AR Filters
All the rage in 2020, I created a number of AR filters across Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat for a variety of freelance projects (and for fun). I personally did all conception, design, animation, coding, and QA submission for each. They’re quite goofy and a lot of fun! Try some of them out yourself!
Multiple filters that each drove over a million impressions lifetime for client
“Crying Anime Face” and “Retro Gaming Console Picker” both garnered over 50K captures lifetime
Featured prominently (and unsolicited) by key influencers within the geek-videogame sphere
Crying Anime Face
Here’s a fun AR Filter I created for an anime distributor that utilizes dynamic animation and spatial tracking, playing off a typical anime trope.
Retro Gaming Console Picker
“Retro Gaming Console picker” is a randomizer AR filter (all the rage in 2020) I conceived and created for one of the largest video game conventions in the US.
“N64 Dreams”
“N64 Dreams” is a fun “day dream” face filter I conceived and created for a videogame/geek blog that incorporates eye tracking, built-in music, and pulls from a massive library of N64 games.
“SNES Dreams”
This filter is a derivative of my N64 dreams filter that utilizes the same eye-tracking, scaling, and built-in music function but this time pulling from an even bigger library of Super Nintendo games.
“Street Fighter Super Finish”
Here’s a goofy gaming filter I created for a promoting an online gaming league that utilizes multiple sprite animations, triggered cut-scenes, built-in music, timed-sound effects and an explosive end!
MGS Alert
Here’s a filter I made for fun that’s a play off the alert system from the classic videogame Metal Gear Solid, which was a hit amongst fans of the community. This filter utilizes triggered music and cinematic effects.